Try to know your students on a personal level. You need to know a lot more than their name. Ask them about their country, their goals etc. Students tend to behave well if you establish a bond with them. You could also tell them a little about yourself.
Some teachers are afraid of teaching large classes. Enforcing discipline in a large class simply isn’t easy. You will routinely find late comers and students who chat their time away while you teach.
Some students may also experience anxiety in a large class. When they are too many students in the class, some students find it difficult to ask questions or participate in the activities. They are worried that the questions that they ask might be too silly. Since they don’t want to embarrass themselves, they decide not to participate in the class. However, a teacher has to ensure the participation of all students in the class.
Grading tests can consume a great deal of time if there are too many students in the class. Regardless of the number of students in their class, ESL teachers get nearly the same salary. This could dishearten many teachers.
Some coping strategies
If you feel that there isn’t enough space in the classroom, you could perhaps take your students outside for energetic whole group activities. Of course, this is not always possible. Keep a notebook handy. You can use it to take notes as you monitor group learning.
Give one or two exam tips every day. This could improve attendance. You could also make attendance count a part of their final grade.
Never come to the class unprepared and never attempt to prepare a lesson right before class. Even if English is your mother tongue, you may find it difficult to teach if you are unprepared.